TAE 40122

25th Nov 2024


Entities & attributes


Question: Identifying Entities, Attributes, and Relationships

Students: The university keeps track of students, including their unique student ID, name, date of birth, email, phone number, and address.

Courses: Each course has a unique course code, title, credit hours, and department.

Instructors: The university stores information about instructors, including their employee ID, name, designation, department, and contact details.

Enrollment: Students can enroll in multiple courses. For each enrollment, the system records the date of enrollment and the grade achieved by the student in that course.

Departments: Each department has a unique department ID, name, and a head of the department (who is an instructor).

Class Schedule: Courses are scheduled to specific time slots and rooms. The system records the room number, building, day, and time of each class session.


Identify Entities: List all the entities in the system.

Define Attributes: For each entity, specify at least four attributes that describe it.

Identify Relationships: Describe the relationships between the entities and their cardinalities (e.g., one-to-many

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