- Performance Criteria
- Foundation Skills
- Performance Evidence
- Knowledge Evidence
Search for the qualification that you are planning on training in the future. Study it. Explore the Units of Competency within your chosen qualification. Look at the structure and content of:
- Performance Criteria
- Foundation Skills
- Performance Evidence
- Knowledge Evidence
What else have you learnt by studying your future training product?Qualification: ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology
Database Development for Introductory Roles Skill Set
In this unit students will develop practical skills and knowledge in representing entities and attributes, understanding relationships between entities, creating ER diagrams, and applying these skills to solve real-world problems.
1. Performance Criteria
There are a several performance criteria for effective databases development to be met such as determining organisational database functionality requirements, document organisational database requirements, gathering required data according to task requirements to achieve outcome from this unit. Some other requirements are below (traning.gov.au)
Describe your exploration below. Share your thoughts on what you recognized, what surprised you, what was expected, and what seems unexpected. Explain why you think this.
How will you train the topics by using your industry experience?
How do you think you could assess the criteria being asked for?
• Submit document to required personnel and according to organisational policies and procedures
• Seek and respond to documentation feedback according to organisational policies and procedures
• Design entity-relationship (ER) diagram to model relationships between entities, including entity attributes according to functionality requirements
• Define primary and foreign keys and implement relationships
• Normalise database model
• Develop data dictionary and detail entity attributes according to functionality requirements
• Document ER diagram and data dictionary, including data model, and submit to required personnel
• Seek feedback from required personnel, and update data model according to feedback
• Create relational database
• Use required language on web and database server to create relational database according to confirmed task design
• Create tables according to required language and ER diagram
• Populate database fields according to task requirements
• Test and fix database problems on web and database server
• Determine alignment between represented information and task requirements
• Confirm and submit all task documentation to required personnel
• Seek and respond to feedback on task delivery and documentation
• Save changes and obtain final task signoff from required personnel
2. Foundation Skills
Effective database development requires a range of foundation skills that are critical to successful performance in the workplace:
Oral Communication: Clearly communicating ideas and updates to team members and stakeholders.
Reading and Writing: Interpreting task requirements and documenting processes accurately.
Numeracy: Applying mathematical concepts, especially in data modeling and normalization.
Teamwork and Problem-Solving: Collaborating effectively and resolving issues that arise during development.
Self-Management and Technology Skills: Managing time, tasks, and technology effectively to meet deadlines and maintain database integrity.
3. Knowledge Evidence
To effectively complete the tasks in this unit, it is essential to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of various database skills such as creation of entities, attributes,
• data-modelling techniques
• database design, modelling and implementation procedures
• naming conventions for database design
• security restrictions on servers, incorporating some theoretical concepts
• cyber security functions, policies and procedures according to organisation.
4. Performance evidence
the ability to complete the tasks includes
• design a database that meets task requirements
• test and debug database
• save changes to database.
As outlined above in performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
• create a database on a database server, web hosting service or file server